计算机视觉中有意义的不确定性量化需要有关语义信息的推理 - 例如,照片中的人的头发颜色或街上汽车的位置。为此,最近在生成建模方面的突破使我们能够在分离的潜在空间中代表语义信息,但是在语义潜在变量上提供不确定性仍然具有挑战性。在这项工作中,我们提供了原则上的不确定性间隔,这些间隔可保证为任何潜在的生成模型包含真正的语义因素。该方法执行以下操作:(1)它使用分位数回归来输出潜在空间中每个元素的启发式不确定性间隔(2)校准了这些不确定性,以使它们包含新的,看不见的输入的潜在值。然后可以通过发电机传播这些校准间隔的终点,以为每个语义因素产生可解释的不确定性可视化。该技术可靠地传达了语义上有意义的,有原则和实例自适应的不确定性,例如图像超分辨率和图像完成。
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Domain Adaptation is an actively researched problem in Computer Vision. In this work, we propose an approach that leverages unsupervised data to bring the source and target distributions closer in a learned joint feature space. We accomplish this by inducing a symbiotic relationship between the learned embedding and a generative adversarial network. This is in contrast to methods which use the adversarial framework for realistic data generation and retraining deep models with such data. We demonstrate the strength and generality of our approach by performing experiments on three different tasks with varying levels of difficulty: (1) Digit classification (MNIST, SVHN and USPS datasets) (2) Object recognition using OFFICE dataset and (3) Domain adaptation from synthetic to real data. Our method achieves state-of-the art performance in most experimental settings and by far the only GAN-based method that has been shown to work well across different datasets such as OFFICE and DIGITS.
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The decarbonization of buildings presents new challenges for the reliability of the electrical grid as a result of the intermittency of renewable energy sources and increase in grid load brought about by end-use electrification. To restore reliability, grid-interactive efficient buildings can provide flexibility services to the grid through demand response. Residential demand response programs are hindered by the need for manual intervention by customers. To maximize the energy flexibility potential of residential buildings, an advanced control architecture is needed. Reinforcement learning is well-suited for the control of flexible resources as it is able to adapt to unique building characteristics compared to expert systems. Yet, factors hindering the adoption of RL in real-world applications include its large data requirements for training, control security and generalizability. Here we address these challenges by proposing the MERLIN framework and using a digital twin of a real-world 17-building grid-interactive residential community in CityLearn. We show that 1) independent RL-controllers for batteries improve building and district level KPIs compared to a reference RBC by tailoring their policies to individual buildings, 2) despite unique occupant behaviours, transferring the RL policy of any one of the buildings to other buildings provides comparable performance while reducing the cost of training, 3) training RL-controllers on limited temporal data that does not capture full seasonality in occupant behaviour has little effect on performance. Although, the zero-net-energy (ZNE) condition of the buildings could be maintained or worsened as a result of controlled batteries, KPIs that are typically improved by ZNE condition (electricity price and carbon emissions) are further improved when the batteries are managed by an advanced controller.
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机器学习(ML)算法在帮助不同学科和机构的科学社区解决大型和多样化的数据问题方面表现出了增长的趋势。但是,许多可用的ML工具在编程方面要求且计算成本高昂。 MlexChange项目旨在建立一个配备有能力工具的协作平台,该平台使科学家和设施使用者没有深刻的ML背景来使用ML和计算资源进行科学发现。在高水平上,我们针对完整的用户体验,在该体验中,可以通过Web应用程序可以轻松获得管理和交换ML算法,工作流和数据。到目前为止,我们已经构建了四个主要组件,即中央职位管理器,集中式内容注册表,用户门户和搜索引擎,并成功地将这些组件部署到了测试服务器上。由于每个组件都是一个独立的容器,因此可以轻松地在不同尺度的服务器上部署整个平台或其个人服务,从笔记本电脑(通常是单个用户)到高性能群集(HPC)(同时)通过许多用户。因此,MlexChange使用方案使灵活性变得灵活 - 用户可以从远程服务器访问服务和资源,也可以在其本地网络中运行整个平台或其个人服务。
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我们提出了一种依赖工程点扩散功能(PSF)的紧凑型快照单眼估计技术。微观超分辨率成像中使用的传统方法,例如双螺旋PSF(DHPSF),不适合比稀疏的一组点光源更复杂的场景。我们使用cram \'er-rao下限(CRLB)显示,将DHPSF的两个叶分开,从而捕获两个单独的图像导致深度精度的急剧增加。用于生成DHPSF的相掩码的独特属性是,将相掩码分为两个半部分,导致两个裂片的空间分离。我们利用该属性建立一个基于紧凑的极化光学设置,在该设置中,我们将两个正交线性极化器放在DHPSF相位掩码的每一半上,然后使用极化敏感的摄像机捕获所得图像。模拟和实验室原型的结果表明,与包括DHPSF和Tetrapod PSF在内的最新设计相比,我们的技术达到了高达50美元的深度误差,而空间分辨率几乎没有损失。
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我们提出了一种数据驱动的电力分配方法,在联邦学习(FL)上的受干扰有限的无线网络中的电力分配。功率策略旨在在通信约束下的流行过程中最大化传输的信息,具有提高全局流动模型的训练精度和效率的最终目标。所提出的功率分配策略使用图形卷积网络进行参数化,并且通过引流 - 双算法解决了相关的约束优化问题。数值实验表明,所提出的方法在传输成功率和流动性能方面优于三种基线方法。
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Spatially varying spectral modulation can be implemented using a liquid crystal spatial light modulator (SLM) since it provides an array of liquid crystal cells, each of which can be purposed to act as a programmable spectral filter array. However, such an optical setup suffers from strong optical aberrations due to the unintended phase modulation, precluding spectral modulation at high spatial resolutions. In this work, we propose a novel computational approach for the practical implementation of phase SLMs for implementing spatially varying spectral filters. We provide a careful and systematic analysis of the aberrations arising out of phase SLMs for the purposes of spatially varying spectral modulation. The analysis naturally leads us to a set of "good patterns" that minimize the optical aberrations. We then train a deep network that overcomes any residual aberrations, thereby achieving ideal spectral modulation at high spatial resolution. We show a number of unique operating points with our prototype including dynamic spectral filtering, material classification, and single- and multi-image hyperspectral imaging.
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